Society monthly meeting recorded on 20230816 at The Briars Mount Martha Observatory.
Meeting introduction was by the President, Dr. Peter Skilton.
Committee member, Dr. Guido Tack, then presented Sky for the Month, followed by Vice President, Chris Kostokanellis, with the AstroMoPho Astronomy Photographic challenge for the month.
This was then followed by Secretary, Nerida Langcake, and past-President, David Rolfe, sharing about the collaborative field trip with the LVAS and ASV to Loch Sport for 2 public stargazing nights sponsored by Gippsland Tourism.
The main video was then shown on the topic of “What Is Reality?”, presented by Science Communicator, Marion Kerr. This public documentary about Emergence Theory is courtesy of the Quantum Gravity Research Organisation in Los Angeles.
Peter Skilton then presented the following science videos:
– “This E.T. Message to a Nearby Star Will Arrive in 2022”, courtesy of Anton Petrov’s WhatDaMath YouTube channel.
– “How NASA Drives The $144 Million Vehicle That Transports Rocket Ships”, courtesy of the Business Insider channel on 20220430.
– “Why Rocket Exhausts Look The Way They Do”, courtesy of Scott Manley’s self-named YouTube channel.
A musical closure followed, showing the RocketLab launch of the NASA TROPICS mission from New Zealand on 20230508. This video is courtesy of RocketLab. Its audio is Sirius by Infraction from the No Copyright Music channel.