A much anticipated event for 2023! Come to Mt Martha Observatory on Saturday, 21 October and learn from scratch about how telescopes work, how best to use them and what to point them at! Get heaps of practical hints, tips and tricks from seasoned expert sky observers.

Suitable for all ages and for absolute beginners on the journey, whether you own a telescope or not.
Online bookings are mandatory and we recommend to book early as these events usually sell out. The booking fee is the same as for our public nights but includes a BBQ. MPAS members wishing to participate in the event are required to book using the discount code provided via email.
The day involves talks during the afternoon and early evening, then telescope practice and usage outdoors as it darkens.
You are absolutely encouraged to bring along your own telescope or binoculars from home, if you have one.
We can even help you assemble it if it’s in bits, tell you if anything is missing, and how to go about finding replacements.